My last entry was in Lima, thousands of miles and almost two months ago. So much has happened; so many stories, so many insights, and a plethora of knowledge. All you have to do is start. All you have to do is type and the rest will follow. One word down on the page and the rest will flow. But where to begin?
I set out for South America intent on updating this blog if not daily, at least at regular intervals. After all, brain injury does not take a hiatus; with the added stress of travel I would certainly have more than enough to write about. On this, at least, I was not wrong.
Oh at first I couldn't scribble my thoughts down fast enough in my little spiral notebook. I spent hour after hour writing in the parks of Santiago, Chile, Mendoza, Argentina, on bus and plane rides. I would distil my thoughts and notes to a computer and polish them into blogs when I was a bit more settled, I told myself. I was more productive here than I had been in the states. It was wonderful!
But sometimes life does not go exactly as you plan. Never count your chickens before they hatch, and never consider a blog entry written before it is published. You never know what the future may hold….
damn, that's the truth. I dunno how many times, including now, that I've uploaded pictures intent on writing a blog entry only to fizzle and not write anything.
ReplyDeleteHey, glad to hear from you again at last.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the old Steve Martin standard., wait, it was never...
No, always keep a litter bag in your car. It doesn't take up much room and if it gets too full you can just toss it out the window.
I didn't write it, Steve did. I enjoy your writing very much my friend. Keep it up.