Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Look Shiny Complex

My best intentions of keeping this blog updated fell woefully by the wayside. Of course there were reasons, there always are. But the fact is that I have a short attention span and short-term memory loss. This leads to something I like to refer to as the Look Shiny Complex.

However focused, driven, and devoted I may be to a project, once I get distracted, more often than not, it falls by the wayside. It is not because the project ceases to be important to me, it is more that I forget it, that it no longer registers in my mind. I am sure this is not singular to brain injury, but I also have no doubt that it is a contributing factor.

It is reasons like this that make it imperative to have a good support group who knows you, your struggles, and remind you to stay focused. Unfortunately when you are on the road this is a bit more difficult.

But it was not only this that hampered my blogging. I did actually mean to update the blog more than a year ago only to realize I had forgotten my password. It was only recently that I discovered the elusive password.

Reasons like this and many others make my traveling addiction a bit difficult for someone with a brain injury. However, it also makes for interesting stories. I'm not promising anything, but I will do my best to fight the Look Shiny Complex and stay on top of this blog. If you haven't heard from me in a while, the please by all means send me a message.

If you'd like a glimpse into what I have been doing in past year and a half here is a link to another blog I've been working on:


  1. After having TBI I have trouble concentrating on what I am doing. If distracted, I pretty much forget whatever I was doing. It is part of my new reality.
