Before starting the blog, I researched other TBI survivors' blogs. My google search for "brain injury blogs" brought me to the Northeast Center for Special Care, a wonderful rehabilitation and reentry program, and their page of blog links.
A week later, when I had a respectable number of enteries, I contacted the center and asked if they would post a link to my page. They kindly obliged, and wrote me an encouraging email. Later, on the 31st, asked if I had considered motivational speaking and would I like to be a guest on one of their podcasts.
I was extremely flattered by this email - I have never done a podcast before, but it does sound like something I would enjoy. I am, by nature, a creative person, but when left to my own devices, the TBI often puts blinders on, and causes me to see inflexibally, and myopically. With the suggestion of motivational speaking whole new world of possibilities unfurled. I can reach, and help so many more people this way. The air is electric with the promise of 2009.....
Way to go! Should be a happy-happy new year.