Monday, August 3, 2009

A Strong Foundation (Connections II)


Immediately following a brain injury it can take all of your effort just to keep your head above water – the smallest things may seem like too much to take.  As the overwhelming waters of confusion begin to recede however, it is common for survivors to feel stranded, friends nowhere to be found.  This is not their fault, for days, weeks, or months they have been warned against overstimulating the survivor.  People cannot be expected to wait indefinitely or to instinctively know the right time to rejoin the survivor’s life.


This may lead to lonely times, but it’s important to remember not to rush into a full-blown social life.  After brain injury it’s extremely easy for survivors to become overstimulated and fatigued.  As time passes it happens less frequently but take care, don’t let this newfound energy lull you into thinking you are better.  Take care of yourself – brain injury episodes are never far away.  Not only can these destroy friendships, both old and new, but it is also terrible for your health and progress.    Not to mention that overstimulation may cause an instinctual withdraw from the world to recuperate.


The best way to avoid hyper-extending or overstimulation is to make a schedule and get into a routine.  Have definite activities to get you out of the house but also make sure to schedule breaks and times for rest.  This will this help balance life, increase motivation, productivity, and happiness in general. This series is about making friends and connections, but the first step to building lasting relationships is taking care of yourself and getting your life in order. 


Take it easy, focus on therapy, discovering the new you, improvement, and building a strong foundation.   Find your feet and get comfortable in your routine always making sure not to take

 on too much.  When you have gotten in the swing of things and feel confident, that is the time to open yourself to opportunities for friendship.  And therapy is a good place to start….

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