Monday, March 16, 2009

The Road to Hell

I wasn’t on my deathbed.  Not even close. 

Sure, I lost my voice, did a fair amount of coughing, and managed to sleep several days away, but all in all it was a minor case of the sniffles.

I made it to my computer on Wednesday with the best of intentions.  I had writing to do – I would make up the time I had lost! The ideas were there, just putting them onto paper; somehow the words just wouldn’t flow.  No, that wasn't quite it.  The words were there; it was the motivation to write that remained conspicuously absent. 

Day after he entire week vanished before my eyes.  I marvel at how one little illness can be enough to overload me.  It is as if I jumped off life’s merry-go-round to catch my breath, but the work didn’t stop when I did.  Now I’m ready to get back on, but all I can do is watch as the horses whiz past faster and faster a little faster with each new addition on my to do list.

All my grandiose plans to jump back in, do 3 make-up blogs in one day, catch up on my emails and reading, clean my apartment, and so on and so forth had caused my brain to short circuit.  Even after all the advice I’ve given on not taking on too much and not holding oneself to such high standards I didn’t listen. 

As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and that’s all my plans will be if I try to jump in too fast. Picking up where I left off isn’t an option.  It takes time for me to get from zero to sixty.  I have to ease my way back into up to speed. 

Improvement is always possible.  Survivors can learn, progress, and take astonishing steps forward.  However, it is important to remember, and have others remind us, to take things slowly – gradually increase the amount of things you are involved in.  If you push yourself too hard, get sick, or stretch your resources too far, you will need to let yourself ease back to the point you were before. 


It can be difficult, but stick with this method of slow progression, but it is well worth it.  Take more on when you are certain that you are ready, but be sure to pay close attention to what your body tells you after each new addition to your schedule.   In the end, you will be able to take on and accomplish more than you ever thought possible….

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